EBV Practitioner Workshop

Epstein-Barr Virus expert Dr. Kasia Kines reveals how to grow your practice by serving the most under-served population – those suffering from EBV. It’s time to make a bigger impact and resolve mystery cases!

Practitioner Workshop – Dr. Kines’ entire proprietary EBV recovery protocol

Learn More About the EBV Practitioner Workshop

Why Join The Practitioner Workshop?

Our clients no longer come to a functional clinician with a simple one-layer complaint. They are sicker, more complicated, in more pain, and with more anxiety and fear about their future. They probably have seen a few medical doctors already and have done lab testing in vain. They come to you and you do not want to fail them. But some cases can be overwhelming, and it can be really lonely professionally to do what you do.

Dr. Kines knows because she has been there. Our mission is to support the functional practitioners like you that are looking for answers for their more complicated cases, especially when undiagnosed or misdiagnosed EBV is the root cause.

That is why we offer a 2-day fast paced, turn key EBV Practitioner Workshop that includes Dr. Kines’ proprietary methodology that you can start implementing with your patients immediately.

The Practitioner Workshop includes a 45-minute Exit Strategy Session so that come Monday morning, you can implement the protocol with confidence.

Do you want to become a Certified EBV Practitioner? And be on our referral list as such? Then the Practitioner Workshop is your first step, followed by our 4-Month Clinician EBV Training and Certification Program.

Learn more about my clinical EBV journey here.

Learn More About the EBV Practitioner Workshop

You are an MD, ND, Nutritional Doctor, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Nutritionist or Health Coach licensed to provide individual clinical support to your patients/clients and you are currently working with them. You need a mentor for your current tough cases. You are committed to your clients.

You always want to do what’s best and what’s right. But at a certain point, you know there is something you cannot pinpoint that prevents you from moving your clients forward. I was there, and I so wish I had access to an experienced clinician. I knew I was missing something and I just did not have the right support to get there.

I will help you save time and frustration and help you think out of the box, so you can finally provide the right solution to your clients! Bring your case to the group forum so that we can help you with it.

You do not want to miss the next big medical frontier.

We are all caring and insightful clinicians on a quest to help our clients live their lives. We have seen celiac finally come to public attention. Then SIBO awareness began to grow, and more recently, the same happened with Hashimoto’s. Clients now have global access to new medical information, often free, and they expect us to be current on it. BUT, there is one territory that still causes a horrific devastation in human life, with literally NO hope given to those who suffer from it, and as of this time, only the book, Medical Medium, by Anthony William, has shed any light on it. That condition is Chronic Activated Epstein-Barr Virus (CAEBV).

I am here to help you with your current complex client cases, which may include CAEBV, because I have successfully helped my own clients with EBV.

You get overwhelmed…

with the layers of complexities and all the wonderful tests the clients have done and diets they have tried.

I help you prioritize and make it relevant and doable for the clients, so your work is even more meaningful and effective for them.

You are getting frustrated with all the clinical dietary trends your clients follow.

There are conflicting diets that are thrown at us periodically by various clinical groups, individual clinicians, individual doctors, celebrities, some of whom have published books and marketed nutrition programs to the global market, and some of whom have limited or no clinical training but created all this based on their experience with a particular diet that changed their lives.

But few nutritionists have worked with food clinically throughout these dietary trends to have a good foundation and a sound core to draw from. Do not become a one-diet pro, like a “paleo dietician” or a “vegan nutritionist,” even though it can be lucrative, because at a given time, that is what people are looking for, unless this is truly the only aspect of nutrition you ever want to work with long term.

I will help you customize the appropriate foods for each of your clients as they need it at this time and moving forward. I will provide tools to find the sweet spot for the client and troubleshoot and gain clarity with presenting food issues.

You want to know what is behind some of your tough cases.

At least in some of them, it will be Chronic Activated Epstein-Barr Virus. You may even suspect viral infections, but you do not know what needs to be tested and, even worse, how to interpret the tests, and you know there is little help medicine has to offer at this time. This is very frustrating, and I was there too. I will never forget the few specific clients I could not quite help all the way – it was heartbreaking. Now I understand they had CAEBV. I have since dedicated my clinical work to EBV – and sure enough, the more they test for EBV, the more EBV we find. I have dedicated myself to research, writing, creating, and improving on EBV protocols for clients, creating an online recovery program for EBV, and I have watched with tears in my eyes as people who have suffered for years come to life. I do not know of many clinicians that support people that chronically suffer from EBV. My mission is to teach you what I know.

This mentorship group gives you the rare opportunity to tap into the EBV work I have done – and am still doing – for the benefit of many clients you have now and will work with in the future. I can’t wait to share with you how you can help these suffering individuals turn their lives around. You will learn when to look for it, what tests to suggest, and how to read the results. You will provide an answer to the evasive medical mystery that caused your client to live in pain, fear, and anxiety.

Expect at least some of your complex cases to be CAEBV. Now that the Medical Medium book is a best seller, clients are asking to be tested and they are looking for clinicians that can help them with it. It is the first time that they have some hope. Ninety-five percent of the global population has antibodies to EBV. Some of them will develop CAEBV that will affect their lives or even take them. More research is pointing to EBV’s involvement in cancer. The research community recognizes the horror of this condition and its impact and is now looking into the development of a global vaccination. This is a serious condition. I find that even the simple matter of testing the right markers is confusing to most clinicians, and thus patients are misdiagnosed.

What I have found is that nutritional therapy, lifestyle modification, patient education, and empowerment all have the ability to help provide a new healthy life to patients if done intelligently and carefully. I do not want you to miss the opportunity to help them. You have a potential to save a life. That is an amazing tool!

Learn More About the EBV Practitioner Workshop
  • 2 Days worth of clinical training on EBV methodology (priceless!)
  • ​Turn-Key EBV Protocol ($5000)
  • ​Hands on small group projects ($500)
  • ​Resources  for you and your patients ($3600)
  • ​Bonus: Common EBV Complications ($1000)
  • ​Advanced EBV Labs ($1500)
  • TOTAL VALUE:  $ 11,600
  • Knowledge of the most current clinically relevant research on EBV
  • Knowledge of how EBV it is contracted, activated, reactivated, modulated, and inactivated
  • Assessment of possible acute, chronic, or chronic (re)activated EBV
  • Assessment of coexistent autoimmune conditions caused by citrullination by EBV
  • Understanding food sensitivities caused by EBV
  • Awareness of how to avoid potential misdiagnosis
  • Prevention of EBV triggers
  • Understanding of cofactors and co-infections associated with EBV
  • Understanding immune modulation of EBV clinical application
  • Application of effective anti-EBV protocol with very specific lifestyle, environmental, and dietary guidelines
  • Application of effective research-supported supplementation protocol with customization to a patient
  • Research-supported testing and lab result interpretation, including common pitfalls, current interpretation confusion, clinical applications, and practical examples
  • Knowledge of how to implement long-term effective strategies for the patients/clients towards and post-recovery
  • Knowledge of effective tools for the Herpes family

Day One

  1. Where Do We Start?
  2. What You Need to Know About EBV
  3. EBV Labs and Interpretation
  4. Triggers and Complications

Day Two

  1. EBV Therapeutics
  2. Building My EBV Protocol
  3. EBV Complications and Solutions
  4. Additional Troubleshooting
  5. What’s Next? Go in More Depth!


Laura had a LOT of health challenges making every single day a mountain to climb: she was recovering from a stroke and had migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic constipation, and extreme fatigue, among many medical complaints; as a result, she had to let go of her job.

After a complete assessment, I suggested testing. We discovered food sensitivities, removed the culprits, and stopped the migraines. We found nutrient deficiencies and addressed them with diet changes/nutrient supplements. SIBO test was (+) with methane, and medical nutrition therapy was provided, with preventive measures added in process. She also tested (+) for chronic activated Epstein-Barr Virus – I provided nutritional therapy that stalled the viral load. She tested (+) for Hashimoto’s – I provided nutritional support. We did nutritional brain neurotransmitters work. She also tested (+) for leaky gut and leaky brain, and we did repair with nutritional therapy. Personalized nutritional and lifestyle protocol, one step at a time, resolved or highly decreased many of the patient’s issues: thyroid antibodies normalized, bowel movements and energy stabilized, and fibromyalgia pain decreased substantially. Laura was able to feel saliva in her mouth again for the first time in years! Remaining chronic issues are now manageable – e.g., if there is constipation, Laura has the toolkit to address it. After finishing a six-month program with me, she now continues to rebuild her life under the care of her fabulous local functional doctor. Here is her story in her own words:

“Kasia is a lifesaver. After having a stroke in 2008 and not having any doctor or neurologist be able to tell me why I had it, I started to listen to any book I could to try to figure things out. These books all suggested the same supplements and lab tests, yet any doctor I went to looked at me like I was crazy for requesting these things. After a year of going to my PCM with all of my complaints and getting no relief, I went into acute gastritis, and the gastroenterologist told me I would be on proton-pump inhibitors for the rest of my life. Knowing that wasn’t the issue, I contacted Kasia, and within one month, I was eating food again, not just drinking bone broth. I was so excited because she works with all of the labs that I had read about, and after getting the recommended testing, we were able to figure out a lot and we put my life back together. Sure, the stroke had a bit to do with my health not being 100%, but there is so much more to the body. She was able to help me navigate what I knew I needed to do and how to do it. No one can tell that I had a stroke and that I left the hospital in a wheelchair. I am back at work part-time and am looking into becoming a healing coach. My relationship with her will never end as I think about her at least once a week and think, Wow… I should tell Kasia about this.”

~ Laura G.


Holli was a young mom with refractory celiac, in constant pain despite being 100% gluten free, continually losing weight, and very anxious.

Per studies, I suspected chronic activated Epstein-Barr Virus or SIBO and requested testing for both; they both were (+). Hashimoto’s antibodies also tested (+). Gallbladder had been removed. With necessary nutritional support, Holli experienced her first pain-free days. We addressed adrenal stress and stress management, which helped with self-care. A personalized medical nutritional therapy was put in place for EBV/Hahimoto’s/SIBO. She tested (+) for cross-reactivity to gluten, and we removed foods accordingly. This led to less gut symptoms. I referred her to visceral manipulation for scar tissues and adhesions from surgeries and to improve ileo-cecal valve (both were contributing factors to her SIBO). Holli finally stopped losing weight. Toxicity/Inflammation Quiz score at Intro Session was high at 87; retake after 60 days dropped to 23. Anxiety dramatically decreased. Patient laughed more easily, felt more empowered, and felt better educated. Holli became a great detective. She was soon able to pinpoint that mold from hidden water damage was causing autoimmune reactions; while it was devastating to know that her family would have to part with most of their belongings due to mold spores, she learned that letting go of the house and moving out gave her a chance to heal. Here is how she describes her experience so far:

“Working with Kasia has been a true blessing to me. I’ve learned a lot about nutrition and how the gut works. She listens, is thorough, and really works hard to find the root of the problem. I would highly recomend her to any family or friend struggling with GI health. My only complaint is I wish I would have found her years ago!”

~ Holli


Kate’s EBV story:

“In the spring of 2017, each day was, for me, a struggle. I was exhausted, depressed, and completely unmotivated. As an achievement-oriented individual, this was completely demoralizing and I was unsure what to do to get motivated and return to myself. I didn’t want to work or be social with friends or family. I only wanted to curl up in bed and sleep. I honestly thought my body, at 47, had turned in its pink slip and was ready to shut down. How scary is that to think that you’re dying before you even hit 50? Absolutely terrifying!

A holistic medical practitioner ran a comprehensive set of bloodwork, in which we discovered that I had chronic activated Epstein-Barr Virus (CAEBV) and, as a result, Hashimoto’s Disease. I was shocked because as far as I was aware, I had never had mononucleosis, so how could I possibly have CAEBV? In addition to my doctors, I also re-engaged with my favorite nutritionist, who just happened to be completing her doctoral studies with a specialization in EBV. That was all the sign I needed!

It was slow getting started… in video conference calls with Kasia, my nutritionist, I was lethargic, depressed, and completely unmotivated. EVERYTHING felt TOO HARD. We kept at it, though, and Kasia provided me with her doctoral thesis on EBV. It was like a light came on in my mind. In reading about the less common symptoms of EBV, I realized that my diagnosis for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when I was 14 years old was actually a chronic and long-term bout of mono. Suddenly, everything made sense! The depression and fatigue that has plagued me on and off throughout my life could be explained. I wasn’t dying. I wasn’t crazy. I was sick. And my constant pursuit of perfection was working against me. When I was in college and going through finals but only wanted to sleep… the EBV had reared its ugly head. Anytime I was going through a stressful situation at work, I would end up exhausted, depressed, and at least 10 lbs heavier than when the situation started.

My nutritionist gave me an anti-viral regimen consisting of supplements and foods to target the EBV. I started walking, meditating, taking long baths, and using blue-blocking glasses in the evening to tell my brain to shut down and help me sleep. I was already eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, but I started eating berries regularly and added fennel and sprouts to my daily salads to up the antiviral punch. My energy started coming back and my depression lifted. Not only did this regimen get the EBV under control, it also put the Hashimoto’s into remission! I didn’t know such a miracle was even possible.

This learning experience was freeing. Now that I can put a name to the demon that plagues me, I can see it coming and treat myself with antiviral foods and supplements to get myself back on track sooner than ever before. I can increase relaxation techniques to reduce my stress and help me sleep. Maintaining this regimen could mean never reactivating the EBV – such hope! And if it should reactivate, I have a full and effective toolkit to allow my body to heal itself. What an empowering gift!”

~ Kate

Learn More About the EBV Practitioner Workshop

Becoming and EBV Certified Practitioner

When you complete the Practitioner Workshop, you will become eligible for the EBV Clinician Training and Certification Program, a 4-month program – small group mentorship with Kasia Kines to elevate your practice and give you confidence to tackle complicated EBV cases.

EBV Clinical Training and Certification Program

We are excited to announce we are now providing Health Coaches access to EBV Practitioner Workshop (with an additional training exclusively for health coaches…coming soon!). Doctors that refer Health Coaches they work with to the Workshop will receive a special $500 discount for their Health Coaches.

Words from Workshop Alumni

“I’ve been telling everyone how smart you are and how well your program has been working on my patients!”

Ann Auburn, Doctor of Osteopathy
Founder of Natural Health Improvement Center P.C.

“I have been using Dr. Kines’ protocols for roughly a year now, and I get wonderful results with my patients. We DO these protocols and they help. Tremendously. They get my patients not only their energy but their lives back.”

Laura D’Itri, Functional Medicine Practitioner
Laura specializes in chronic fatigue. She has a virtual consulting practice based out of LA, CA.

“Kasia, thank you so much for an amazing workshop. I was telling my husband all about it and he made the comment that it has been so long since he had seen me this excited, happy and full of energy!! So thank you!!! I’m excited for working with you more!”

Andi Bartholomew, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
Andi sees clients virtually and at her clinic in Fort Collins, Colorado

“Thank you for all the resources Kasia. Have been treating multiple cases, and so many getting better with the protocol. Too many great stories to tell but it’s really fun. A mom and her daughter who has CLL both with severe CAEBV for years, dramatic improvements in symptoms and labs including CBC and cholesterol. The mom told me this week ‘I have light back in my life.’ A young man with MS who just had a flair and I put him on full protocol and within a week doing much better, he is giddy because he’s always believed it’s all MS and untreatable.”

Dr. Loy Anderson, MD
Family Medicine Specialist in Great Falls, MT

“Thank you so much for such a comprehensive weekend. The resources you have given us is like nothing I have ever received from any training session. I’m so happy I have found out about EBV so early on in my clinical practice. Thank you so much.”

Wendy Riordan

Do you yourself have chronic EBV?

It is not that uncommon for a medical provider to actually suffer from chronic EBV, often manifesting as an autoimmune disorder such as lupus, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis or just chronic fatigue. We have quite a number of practitioners in our EBV Recovery Program working on their own healing. If you are a physician, nutritionist, acupuncturist or any other practitioner, and you also have EBV, I do recommend enrolling in the EBV Recovery Program first as it can effectively CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Here is what just might happen as a result:

“I’m coming to the close of the EBV virus course as a client, and I’m feeling better than ever! I have energy and motivation I haven’t had in years. The supplement regimen and the mental/ emotional coaching provided were really helpful for me.

When I first applied to the program, it wasn’t for the patient program. It was for the practitioner course. When we had our first meeting, you thought it was wise for me to experience this transformational program as a client first, and you suggested I take the practitioner course later.

I followed your advice to do the client course first – and it’s payed off. Big time. I’ve found so many people with Hashimoto’s, fibromyalgia, and rheumatic diseases with chronic active Epstein Barr. I’m already treating it with the knowledge I gained in your client course. Now, I just need to meet the need for them as a certified practitioner and get the word out there that I am here for it. I am a better person for your course. Writing this email in itself, asking for what I need, preparing for the future, these are huge wins for me. I couldn’t have done that before. Thank you for the work you do. You’re a rock star.”

Angel A., ND

What Colleagues and Mentors Have to Say

“Dr. Kines has deep clinical expertise in the field of integrative and functional nutrition. While long a digestive expert, Kasia has deeply researched into the depths of chronic Epstein-Barr Virus and how many of our patients/clients who suffer from mystery conditions can be helped by going down this pathway. If you have patients/clients who are stuck, Dr. Kines’ mentoring can help. As Dr. Abram Hoffer said, ‘If a patient has seen more than three physicians, nutrition is probably the medical answer.’”

Liz Lipski, PhD, CNS, CCN, CHN
Professor of Clinical Nutrition and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition Program, MUIH Author of several books on  nutrition, including “Digestion Connection”

“Dr. Kasia Kines is one of the most brilliant, and – importantly – clinically experienced functional nutritionists in the world. She has a depth of understanding of biochemistry, food, and patient care. I highly recommend learning from her, especially in the areas of chronic viral infections, SIBO, and for better understanding how to unravel the health challenges of patients with chronic, complex conditions. She is a compassionate mentor who will teach you a lot!”

Dr. Jessica Drummond, Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, DCN, CCN, PT
Founder of Integrative Women’s Health Institute and Integrative Pelvic Health Institute

Hear Dr. Kines’ Recent Lectures

“When Your Patients Don’t Heal no Matter What You Do”
– Infectious Determinants of Chronic Disease Conference at the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM)

“When Your Patients Don’t Respond to Your Protocols: Could this be Epstein-Barr Virus?”
– Functional Medicine University

Do you need CEUs? Enjoy Dr. Kines’ Lecture:

“When Your Patients Fail Your Protocols: Can This Be Chronic EBV?”
– NUNM Medical Conference

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is marginalized in medical community even though the devastation it causes in the US population is of epic proportion. This presentation explains how far-reaching EBV is, its prevalence, and its consequences. Evidence is consistent and overwhelming and yet, millions of people fall through the cracks of traditional medical approach to the virus, which is grossly outdated. Dr. Kines takes the audience on a fascinating journey through the eyes of the virus and the evidence-based recovery, backed up by her clinical experience.

Enroll Here (1.5 General CEUs)

Sign up for the EBV Practitioner Workshop to learn more

Get a Free EBV Quiz
for Your Patients!

This medically verified, research based four page quiz is a free first step to help you work towards solving patient cases. It contains different categories of symptoms (typical and atypical presentations) and complications that connect to EBV.

Looking for more information, health updates, recipes, and tips for you and your patients to fight EBV?