5 Day Workshop

5 Days to a Happy No-Nonsense EBV Kitchen!

We meet live 5 days in a row
March 10-14 at 10am PT [1pm ET]

What you get:

  1. Hands-on, practical, simple and EBV-approved strategies to implement each day
  2. Straight talk from the EBV expert: Dismantling myths about food and EBV
  3. A quick and easy pantry and fridge check up and clean up

Here’s what each day has in store:

  • Day 1: Fat for EBV – the good, the bad, and the ugly
  • Day 2: Do you really need to go gluten-free?
  • Day 3: Fruits – Do’s, Don’t’s and stepping out of the fructo-phobic noise
  • Day 4: Grain brain? Good or bad? Power up!
  • Day 5: Beans or not to beans?

People love the workshop:

In just 45-minutes per day for five days we will rehab your kitchen for healing!

Replays of the daily live trainings will be available for viewing for a limited time in the Dr. Kines’ EBV Community Facebook Group.

WHY we will ask you for your phone number:
I personally find myself email-fatigued and there have been programs I attended that I missed because I didn’t check my email. I love getting text message reminders and I hear from others that this makes life so much easier and, especially with fatigue and brain fog, I want to make sure you don’t miss the daily training. I know how crazy our life gets! Even my mentor sends me texts these days so I don’t miss our calls and I LOVE that!