28-Day EBV Video Challenge

Everything your doctor doesn’t know about EBV that keeps you miserable.

A 28 day challenge with one 10-15 minute video emailed to you each day on a specific topic that our EBV community is asking about and struggling with.

Here is how I decide on each new topic. It must be a:

  • Common area of struggle with EBV
  • Topic we are asked about most frequently
  • Common misconception/myth about EBV
  • Practical/easy to apply in real life by a very ill person
  • Evidence-based but also confirmed by my clinical experience
  • Complex medical concepts explained in lay terms that everyone can understand
  • Easy to consume: ideally 10 min max; in a few cases I go beyond that time frame if the topic is just so juicy that a few more minutes are needed to give it justice!

We are getting amazing feedback on these!

Here are the daily challenge topics:

  1. Symptoms of EBV
  2. Medical Conditions and EBV
  3. Sore Throat, Swollen Lymph and EBV
  4. 5 Common Mistakes in EBV Testing
  5. How Can I Improve My Energy With CAEBV
  6. 8 Reasons Why You Feel So Tired When You Have EBV
  7. How to Improve Your Immune System When You Have EBV
  8. Additional Tests When You Have EBV
  9. Food for Brain Fog
  10. The Best And The Worst Exercises For EBV
  11. 5 Do’s and Don’ts of EBV Supplementation
  12. Why I Don’t Use Monolaurin for EBV
  13. Lysine Supplementation and EBV
  14. Reduce EBV Reactivations with Tips to Turn Down EMFs
  15. NAC (N-acetylcysteine) Supplementation & EBV
  16. What Does Anxiety Have to Do with EBV?
  17. Why Join The EBV Transformational Workshop
  18. Summer Tips for EBV
  19. Why Does EBV Make My Hormones Go Crazy?
  20. Proper Testing for Thyroid
  21. Selenium For EBV and Hypothyroidism
  22. EBV and Multiple Sclerosis
  23. How to Enjoy Desserts When You Have EBV
  24. Depression and EBV
  25. Traveling On Land With Chronic EBV
  26. 5 Tips To Prevent EBV Reactivation When Traveling By Plane
  27. Covid and EBV
  28. Labs For Common EBV Co-Infections!
  29. BONUS! Free Resources for You at EBVHelp.com Video and PDF
  30. BONUS! Walking You Through the Ultimate EBV Supplement Bundle

We continue to listen to our community to pick more topics, and I release a new LIVE training video every other week in my Dr. Kines’ EBV Community Facebook Group.

Join the 28 Day Video Challenge today! It’s only 10 minutes out of your day and I am sure it will make you feel more confident in tackling EBV!