“When I came to you I felt completely defeated. After rounds and rounds of unsuccessful SIBO treatment I felt destined to live a life of restricted eating and pain.
I was fearful of living my senior years debilitated and unable to do the things I love.
I was so mentally foggy that I could barely remember people’s names and one day couldn’t even remember how to turn my computer on! My energy levels were awful and I felt like I was living as a shell of myself. Thanks to you, I am a completely different woman.
Although I am still working on gut healing, I rarely have bloat or have pain after every meal. And my energy levels are fantastic. Also, I feel like I have regained control of my brain and even have a 90% average in my herbal medicine studies!! Not bad for a 50-year old mind. 🙂 I now feel confident that I am moving in the right direction and taking steps today that will keep me healthy tomorrow.
I appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions and giving me such amazing one-on-one care and attention.”