“Dr. Kasia has literally changed my life.
I quit going to medical doctors at a young age because none of them could ever figure out what was wrong with me. My parents wanted to pursue natural and holistic alternatives to solve my health puzzle. Some things that we tried worked temporarily, but nothing lasted. Even in the natural world, it seemed no one understood EBV.
I’m now 28 and have been in an off-and-on battle with EBV for over half of my life. When I found Dr. Kasia, I was in a place of absolute fear that I was going to be sick and debilitated for the rest of my life.
I now know that that is not true AT ALL, because EBV is the root of my chronic symptoms and Dr. Kasia has given me the tools to win the battle against EBV every single time.
I feel empowered and hopeful for the first time in my life.”