“My husband and I sought out the help of Kasia Kines because we wanted to make changes to our diet so that he could hopefully get off blood pressure medicine, which was causing some harmful side effects. He also has borderline high cholesterol and chronic back pain. With several issues to deal with it could have been overwhelming to make these changes, but Kasia was great at explaining not only what we should be eating but also what to avoid eating. She also taught us how to prepare food, gave us meal and snack ideas and plenty of printed materials to take home for reference. We were able to make the changes gradually since we would leave each appointment with nutritional recommendations specific to our needs. We thoroughly enjoyed working with Kasia, and can already see and feel the changes in our bodies since eating the way we should, my husband’s blood pressure is going down and we hope to stop his medication soon. We plan to continue using Kasia’s nutritional guidance as an ongoing part of our health care and would highly recommend her services.”