“Dr. Kines, your book has cleared the clouds of illness, confusion, frustration and pain my husband and I have had for a decade now. Thank you for not only becoming the expert on EBV but for taking the time and effort to write this important (and extremely detailed) book to help people like my husband get his life back again!
After a dangerously devastating divorce, my, now, husband fell seriously ill and could not fully recover. He had been suffering with debilitating fatigue, anxiety, intermittent hand tremors, heart palpitations and random heart pain, body temperature fluctuations, very poor sleep, waking up feeling tired, daily headaches, shortness of breath with activity, brain fog, indigestion, nausea with stress, and chronic viral infections like sinus infections.
Being a nurse, I have been actively researching and experimenting with different supplements, adaptogens, vitamins and life-style changes for my otherwise-healthy husband. I also monitor his condition with extensive blood work I order online. Along with a few other abnormal results like adrenals, vit D, inflammation and low testosterone, the labs revealed he had reactivated Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)! However, two doctors only looked at the testosterone level and started him on such a high dose, his PSA went too high. NO DOCTOR EVEN CONSIDERED THE OBVIOUS POSITIVE EBV INDICATORS. I wasn’t sure what the EBV results meant and what to do to fix the problem. So, I went online to find a book on EBV and, hallelujah, yours was there and the obvious choice. I immediately devoured your book and page 75 had the answer to the lab work I was long searching for!
I can hardly express my gratitude to you for writing this “EBV bible”, I affectionately call it, as it has forever changed my husband’s and my life.
The details (specific lab work, medical conditions caused by the EBV—shocking!!!, specific supplements with dosage and more etc. etc.) and step-by-step plans make it easy to implement lifestyle changes. I have already recommended it to many people.
I have marked up, highlighted and cross-referenced nearly every page and reread and reference it repeatedly as my husband’s health changes and we make adjustments. It literally has all the answers we needed to get him back to health versus the wild goose chase offered by the two other doctors.
Your common-sense approach to everything nutrition/health works and is in line with everything I have researched over my career. We were already doing some of what you write about, but your extensive knowledge and experience with EBV has opened our eyes to many, many more health protocols, vital not only for my CAEBV husband, but for everyone wanting excellent health and preventative health. Your book is complete AND thorough AND written so anyone can understand EBV and good health protocols.
Thanks to you, we finally have answers to why my husband has been so ill for so long and we are forever grateful as we now know what the problem is and are treating him back to health.”