“I’m coming to the close of the EBV virus course as a client, and I’m feeling better than ever! I have energy and motivation I haven’t had in years. The supplement regimen and the mental/ emotional coaching provided were really helpful for me.

When I first applied to the program, it wasn’t for the patient program. It was for the practitioner course. When we had our first meeting, you thought it was wise for me to experience this transformational program as a client first, and you suggested I take the practitioner course later.

I followed your advice to do the client course first – and it’s payed off. Big time. I’ve found so many people with Hashimoto’s, fibromyalgia, and rheumatic diseases with chronic active Epstein Barr. I’m already treating it with the knowledge I gained in your client course. Now, I just need to meet the need for them as a certified practitioner and get the word out there that I am here for it. I am a better person for your course. Writing this email in itself, asking for what I need, preparing for the future, these are huge wins for me. I couldn’t have done that before. Thank you for the work you do. You’re a rock star.”